Marketing platform

The marketing platform makes it possible to implement and trigger at the right time the scenarios corresponding to the customer journeys that have been identified upstream. Whatever the platform, Almavia CX is able to carry out this implementation, which may include a technical dimension.

Your business specific

Implementing customer journeys

Once the customer paths have been designed, they have to be parameterized in a marketing platform. These increasingly powerful platforms allow you to manage hundreds or even thousands of routes corresponding to as many scenarios. Their technical implementation often requires complex parameterization, route by route. However, most of the scenarios allow a certain degree of industrialization.

Platforms that are often under-exploited

Since the bottleneck is essentially human, the number of scenarios is usually limited to a few dozen. Many companies even ignore the concept of the customer journey, so that marketing platforms are often under-exploited. The solution then consists of soliciting external resources.

Technical skills are still needed

Modern marketing platforms integrate tools to graphically design the different routes and scenarios. A non-IT marketer can theoretically parameterize the platform himself to implement the routes he has designed. In practice, few people actually go down this path. Especially since the integration of the platform may require more technical skills, for example, to access the various data sources. Here again, the solution is to seek outside help.

What do we do

Parameterization of marketing platforms

  • Definition of the data sources to be ingested in the marketing platform
  • Data model and business rule specification
  • Creation of a segment library for marketing activation

Building cross-channel customer routes

  • Building cross-channel customer paths (email, mobile, social, web...)
  • Parameter setting and triggering of customer routes
  • Test and recipe

Creation of adapted messages

  • Creation of messages adapted to different routes and segments
  • Integration of templates in marketing platforms
  • Optimization of the conversion tunnel

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