Site Factory

Almavia CX’s Web and Mobile Pole addresses site factory projects, which aim to rationalize the development of a plurality of customer websites. The result is gains in terms of agility, costs, and more generally, management. Almavia CX also takes responsibility for the operation and maintenance of a plurality of customer websites.

Your business specific

Industrialize and standardize new sites

Many companies develop a multitude of sites typically corresponding to as many brands, physical locations, or subsidiaries. They develop institutional sites, information sites, e-business sites, or even sites for white labels or affiliate networks. These sites must all comply with common standards while maintaining their specific features. The solution is to streamline their development and deployment using a common platform. The result is better governance, controlled costs, and shorter development times.

Deploying new sites very quickly

Some companies are led to develop very quickly new sites often ephemeral, typically related to marketing news. Solutions must reconcile this need for instantaneity with the preservation of total control. In this case, it's a matter of relying on a catalog of sites that can be quickly customized and deployed and drawing on a library of shared content.

Managing and maintaining a park of sites

Maintaining the operational conditions of a fleet of sites numbering in the tens or hundreds raises questions of production, supervision, updates, and performance. Especially since some sites are critical to the company's business. Here again, adopting a common platform is part of the solution. It is also possible to deploy the sites on a cloud platform and entrust their management to a specialist.


What do we do

Production of a park of sites

  • Definition of an operation and maintenance strategy.
  • Choice of a cloud platform with the migration of existing sites.
  • Support for maintenance in operational conditions, with performance monitoring and scalable and corrective maintenance.

Implementation of multi-site platforms

  • Definition of the multi-site model.
  • Technical implementation with the convergence of existing sites to a target platform.
  • Accompaniment until a total appropriation of the tool.
Practice Leader Drupal
Practice Leader

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