Studies & Benchmarks

The customer experience (CX) allows you to increase your business impact and your level of loyalty. To achieve this, you must first situate yourself in relation to the consumer environment and that of your competitors. By listening to your customers and prospects, you can then improve the conversion and satisfaction rate by adjusting your journeys in an agile approach. 

Your business specific

Being attentive to customers

The habits and uses of customers are multiple: customer path, first clicks, errors encountered, or search difficulties. Behavioral analyses and declarative data are used to collect both hot and cold, in a weighted manner. These analyses thus make it possible to clarify the needs and expectations of customers with regard to the products, services, and advice expected.

Qualitative analysis of customer journey to improve ROI

In order to optimize omnichannel customer routes, it is essential to understand the important or unpleasant moments. It is then a matter of deciphering them step by step in order to identify irritants and breaking points. From this, we will deduce the areas for improvement that will ultimately make it possible to recommend a new product or service at the right time or to facilitate the processing of a request.

To be positioned in relation to the competition via a sector or multi-sector benchmark

It is important to master the digital ecosystem of its environment both within its sector of activity and in relation to other sectors. The realization of user-centered sector benchmarks provides qualified data that will help to inform strategic decision-making and major orientations.

What do we do

Sector Benchmarks

  • Trends and specificities of the sector.
  • Best practices illustrated by sector.
  • Measurement of the customer satisfaction evolution

Quantitative and qualitative studies

  • Passive behavioral analysis.
  • Hot and cold analyses of customer declarations.
  • Decoding of customer paths with identification of strong points and irritants.
Practice Leader CXC

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