Contentful’s Fast Forward 2020 conference

Fast Forward is Contentful’s premier annual customer conference, bringing together over 1,000 of the most passionate builders, from developers to architects, publishers to digital directors.

The program :
5 hours dedicated to accelerating your business’s digital capabilities and managing an increasingly complex footprint of digital customer experiences.

Keynote speakers include :
– Steve Sloan, CEO, Contentful
– Benjamin Keyser, Vice President of Product, Contentful
– Jonatan Söderlind, Product Owner, IKEA
– Abhishek Kumar, enterprise architect, Deloitte

In addition to the live event, all sessions will be available for on-demand viewing after the event.

Together to go further : Nextedia is a Certified Contentful Professional !

Meet our Contentul specialists and find out how Nextedia helps its clients build modern digital platforms offering more agility and flexibility with Contentful.

Almavia CX accompagne ses clients dans leur transformation digitale, sur toute la chaine de l'Expérience Client, en plaçant l’humain au cœur de son savoir-faire et au centre de sa stratégie.

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