Contentful’s Fast Forward 2020 conference

The program :
5 hours dedicated to accelerating your business’s digital capabilities and managing an increasingly complex footprint of digital customer experiences.

Keynote speakers include :
– Steve Sloan, CEO, Contentful
– Benjamin Keyser, Vice President of Product, Contentful
– Jonatan Söderlind, Product Owner, IKEA
– Abhishek Kumar, enterprise architect, Deloitte

In addition to the live event, all sessions will be available for on-demand viewing after the event.

Together to go further : Nextedia is a Certified Contentful Professional !

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À propos d'Almavia CX

Almavia CX accompagne ses clients dans leur transformation digitale, sur toute la chaine de l'Expérience Client, en plaçant l’humain au cœur de son savoir-faire et au centre de sa stratégie.